2022 - Software Engineer @ Orbit
Ruby on rails Tailwind Turbo Frames Sidekiq Haml Alpine.js
As a part of Gravity Team, my work at Orbit entailed helping users of the app have the best possible experience.
Some tasks I have worked on include:
- Migrating from multiple ways to display Font-Awesome icons through the app to a homemade Design System Component
- Implement infinite scrolling on some pages with Turbo Frames
- Implement a strong password authentication in the app
2021 - Alumni @ Le Wagon
Ruby on rails Bootstrap HTML CSS Javascript Git
9 weeks Web development bootcamp.
- Learned all the basics of programmation
- Designed and created as a group a clone of AirBnb
- Designed and created as a group Perfect Watch, a web application finding you a movie to watch in less than five minutes
2021 - Paralegal @ Lavoix
I worked in intellectual property law before my carreer change.